Mr. Schaeuble provokes again
globinfo freexchange
“’The problem is that Greece has lived beyond its means for a long time and that nobody wants to give Greece money anymore without guarantees,’ Schaeuble said, noting that Athens had to stick to agreed reforms to become competitive. Schaeuble added that the new Greek government was behaving ‘quite irresponsibly’ right now and that it was no help to insult others who have supported the country in the past.”
“In a separate interview with German broadcaster ZDF, Austria’s finance minister Hans-Joerg Schelling said the new Greek government still appeared to be in ‘election mode not working mode’.”
Mr. Schaeuble should at last tell the truth to the German and European people and stop this fairy tail.
The truth is that the Troika program destroyed the Greek economy bringing war conditions in the country.
The truth is that Mr. Schaeuble and the neoliberal eurocrats have chosen to resque the big banks, although these are mostly responsible for the debt European crisis, at the expense of the Greek and European taxpayers.
The truth is that the ECB together with IMF and the European Institutions which are occupied by banking and corporate lobbies want to complete the brutal experiment in Greece expanding it throughout Europe.
Mr. Schaeuble will never tell the truth of course: that this is a class war, not a war between nations. He is using the obsolete tactic of divide and conquer turning the people of one country against the other.
Unfortunately, Mr. Mariano Rajoy followed this logic only to save his party’s rates against Podemos “threat”.
The European people will learn the truth. Plutocrats’ plans will fail.